Thursday 14 December 2023

poem about the Fexofenadine

 In the land of sneezes and pollen's might,

Where eyes get teary and noses take flight, There stands a hero, steadfast and keen, Fexofenadine, in its allergy routine.

Allegra, Telfast, by different names it’s known, A remedy in pills, a secret fully blown. Against the histamine storm, it takes its stand, Calming the chaos with its healing hand.

No drowsy haze, no foggy mind in tow, It lets you be, in your vibrant flow. A shield against nature's fierce attack, Clearing the air, getting symptoms back on track.

Oh, Fexofenadine, you unsung knight, In the war against allergies, you shine so bright. A trusty ally, in every sneeze and wheeze, Restoring calm amidst the allergy seas.

With each tiny pill, a relief unbound, Easing the woes of that pollen mound. So here's to you, in the allergy scene, Fexofenadine, our allergy queen!

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